The Presidio is one of those places that I've heard about but never managed to see for myself. I thought it was just a small area with some former army barracks. Wrong! First of all, it's huge. Like, really really huge. The place has parks galore and tons of buildings and residences. For this trip we were celebrating my mom's birthday by going to the Walt Disney Museum. It was a gorgeous day.
My husband Jeff and I got there early. We were planning on doing some stairway walks but didn't quite have enough time for that. We did manage to find the Yoda Fountain outside the Letterman Digital Arts Center though.
Next to the master I am.The museum has a store that can match any shop at Disneyland. I wanted to buy so many things there that I ended up not getting anything. However, several of you will be getting birthday presents from there.
Out in the lobby they had Disney's Academy Awards on display.

The one with seven tiny Oscars after it was for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Dwarfs?).
No pictures were allowed to be taken inside the museum but I found some illicit pictures online.

After the museum we went for a walk along Crissy Field where we took in the sights and watched families crabbing along the pier.

We ended up at Fort Point. Holy Cow! I had seen it from a distance before but never realized what it was. I always thought it was some sort of maintenance building for the Golden Gate Bridge. Um, no... it turns out it's a fortress from the Civil War era. The only one of its kind west of the Missippi.

You can climb up to the top and look out at the ocean or get a spectacular view of the city.

Here is the birthday girl herself.
Here's some more shots of the Fort.

Outside, we found this sign.

I'm not sure what it means but runner's would jog up to it and touch their hands to it and then turn around and go back.
Just beneath it, somebody placed this sign.

Could this be the work of mischievous brethren?