Wednesday, January 19, 2011

House Hunting

Jeff and I have decided we need a bigger place to accommodate our growing family. We currently live in a small two bedroom condo in downtown Campbell. The kitchen and bathroom have been completely remodeled and beats many larger homes. But we need more space and a yard.

This weekend we looked at almost a dozen homes for sale in our price range. The first thing I learned is that we can only afford homes right next to major freeways and roads. One home was surrounded by no less than three on-ramps.

The next thing I learned is that people are disgusting. We spent the last month clearing the clutter from our place so that it looks nice for potential buyers. But some of the homes we went to were filled from floor to ceiling with so much crap that I couldn't get out of there fast enough. It's much to hard to visualize a home without all of the previous owners' belongings in it.

I also learned that some people have... interesting taste. We nicknamed one home the 'S&M Fantasy House' because of all the dragon and gargoyle fantasy art filling it. This includes stained glass depictions of St. George slaying the dragon. Their bedroom was all Gothic including a four poster bed and dark red walls. We couldn't stop giggling even after leaving.

Next Sunday we're having an open house at our place. Hopefully someone will fall in love with our little condo and appreciate all the work we've put into it.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's a girl!

On Tuesday, I had my 20-week ultrasound and, guess what - It's a girl!!!! Everybody said it would be a boy but nope, it's a she. I had to ask the doctor how sure she was and she responded: "nine-nine percent".

You see, I had been trying not to get my hopes up about it being a girl so when the doctor announced the sex I was utterly amazed at my luck (Jeff is fine with it too). I didn't realize how much I really wanted a girl until that day. I cried just before going to bed when it struck me that I'm going to have a daughter. Wow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Okay, okay, I know I left you hanging after my last post months ago. So, today I will answer all of your burning questions...

  • Yes, I'm still pregnant
  • I'm four months now and due on June 2nd
  • We find out the sex next week and I will definitely announce it here
  • I want a girl, Jeff wants a boy
  • We haven't decided on a name yet
  • Yes, I had morning sickness but it wasn't too bad and it seems to be over now
  • No specific cravings but I'm incredibly hungry all the time and prefer meaty dishes
  • Nope, no food aversions
  • I go to the bathroom about once an hour
  • I do not have an enhanced sense of smell which is probably a good thing
  • I think I'm starting to feel movement - or gas
  • I've gained about 20 pounds already
  • I've been going for walks but that's about all the exercise I get
  • I'll probably start shopping for stuff and registering for the baby shower after we find out the sex next week
  • The shower will probably be in April
  • You're invited!
Any other questions?