Monday, September 27, 2010

Hearst Castle

I've been wanting to go to Hearst Castle for a while now. I love architecture and art plus scenic views and this monument holds the promise of them all.

Unfortunately, I found it to be totally disappointing. The castle was dark and dingy and was filled with lots and lots of stuff. It felt like an episode of Hoarders where some rich white guy raped an empovershed Europe of all its art and shoved it in a mausoleum.

Even worse, all the exhibits at the visitors' center are pro-W.R. Hearst to the extreme. There's nothing balanced about it, you even have to watch a 30 minute movie about how wonderful the Hearst family is. Blech.

At the end though I found the friendliest crows outside the food court. I don't think I've ever met crows that acted like pigeons before but these guys will take the food right off your plate.

In the end, I do think everyone should go here at least once. The drive down Highway 1 is beautiful and at the castle, well, you'll definitely get some spiffy interior design ideas (as in, you'll have lots of ideas of what not to do).


  1. I like how you don't sugarcoat your opinion :) Sitting here laughing ... well, at least you got to see some friendly crows.

  2. yeah - it was no disney museum.

    i wonder what rupert murdoc's museum will be like?

  3. It definitely had a FOX News feel to it...
