Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pacific Heights

Yesterday I was back in San Francisco for a stairway walk in Pacific Heights. This is the Lyon Street Staircase.

There were lots of (skinny) people running up and down the staircase to get their exercise. I was out of breath climbing up it once at a leisurely pace.
It does offer a gorgeous view though.

And once you think you've climbed the darn thing it turns out there's another section to scale.

One of the things I love about San Francisco is that random art awaits you around every corner. This piece is called Migrant Heart and is part of a 2004 project involving 130 "Public Hearts" on display throughout the city.

The homes in this neighborhood are magnificent. No, this is not a hotel, somebody actually lives here.

This is the entryway of someone's home. I bet you thought it was a church.

And, of course, what home is complete without a greenhouse in the front yard?

Speaking of front yards and random art, the homes in this neighborhood display art as if it were no big deal. I thought about editing out his man parts but how mischievous would that have been?

Other yards sported art that was a little more mainstream.

Other pieces of art were functional.

And some homeowners incorporated art into the building itself.

On my way back I went down this fun road. And, of course, I slipped and went sliding down. This time it was on my knee instead of my rear.


  1. Pacific Heights sure is gorgeous. I don't think I've ever been there. Those stairs look daunting.

    You've inspired me to take off and have a little adventure of my own today.

    I like the bigger pictures ... :o)

  2. Sounds like a fun day in SF Pacific Heights area.
    Those houses are so dreamy!!!! Aren't those stairs challenging??!!

